German knights with full body armor riding to a tournament. Renaissance period, 15th century.
Category: Germany
Medieval tournament. Heavy cavalry 16th century.
Medieval tournament. Heavy cavalry 16th century. Knights riding to the tournament, 16th century. German Renaissance period.
Winter toilet 1906. Le costume moderne. Journal illustré de modes.
Le costume moderne. Journal illustré de modes. Specialist journal for the entire women’s costume compartment. Published by C. Heinemann, Berlin 1906.
Autumn costume of striped wool fabric. Journal illustré de modes.
Le costume moderne. Journal illustré de modes. Autumn costume of striped wool fabric, 1906.
Winter costume of plaid wool fabric 1906. Le costume moderne.
Le costume moderne. Journal illustré de modes. Winter costume of plaid wool fabric 1906.
Knights in armor riding to a tournament. 16th c.
Knights in armor riding to a tournament. Renaissance period 16th century Men-at-arms with lances, fully armored heavy cavalryman.
Knights in armor jousting. 16th century combat.
Knights in armor jousting. 16th century combat. German Renaissance period.
German peasant of Duchy of Saxe-Altenburg.
German peasant of Duchy of Saxe-Altenburg, 1840.
Woman in the costume of the Duchy of Wenden.
Woman in the costume of the Duchy of Wenden.
German headdresses in 1938.
Fashion in the Time of German National Socialism (Nazism) 1938.