Atta Troll. A Midsummer Night’s Dream, a narrative poem by Heinrich Heine. Atta Troll is one of the most virtuosic works Heines. German Romantic.
Category: Romantic Era
Students from Heidelberg, 1840.
Students from Heidelberg, ca. 1840. Romantic era.
Postilion and Innkeeper, Baden.
Postilion and Innkeeper from Baden, Germany. Around Kehl, ca. 1840.
Peasants from Baden.
Peasants from Baden, ca. 1840. Paysan et Paysannes Badois.Source: L’été à Bade par Eugène Guinot. Illustré par Tony Johannot, Eugène Lami, Français et Daubigny Jaquemot. Troisèime Edition, revue corrigée. Paris,… Read More
Don Manuel discovers Beatrice. Schiller’s “The Bride of Messina.”
Schiller’s “The Bride of Messina.”
The Quiver of Love. A collection of Valentines.
A collection of Valentines ancient and modern. With illustrations, in colors, from drawings by Walter Crane and Kate Greenaway.
Cashmere silk mantle embroidered. Ladies Journal 1833.
France Restauration. Cashmere silk mantle embroidered. Journal des dames. Ladies Journal. Costumes Parisiens 1833.
Chapeau de paille cousue. La mode 1834.
Chapeau de paille cousue. La mode 1834. Chapeau de paille cousue et paille de riz. Robe de Jaconas et mousseline laine imprimé. Canezou de batiste garni de dentellas.
Alethe, Priestess of Isis. The Epicurean, by Thomas Moore.
When Alethe arrived at a suitable age, she was taught, like other children of the priestesses, to take a share in the service and ceremonies of the shrines.
Elsa. Renaissance portrait by Ferdinand Wagner.
Elsa by Ferdinand Wagner, Nazarene. Costume jewelry, hair and hat of the period of the 16th century. Painted about 1880th.