Claude de Silly, marshal of Emperor Charles V.

Armament, Renaissance, military, Claude de Silly, marshal, piper,
Claude de Silly, Marshal, Barbesaen, Quartermaster, Drummer, Piper, Sherriff of the Emperor Charles V.

Claude de Silly, marshal of the Emperor. Costume cavalcade.

Plate 1

1. Claude de Silly, marshal of the Emperor Charles V.
2. Barbesaen, quartermaster of the Emperor ” “.
3. Hans van Loenen, quartermaster.
4. Gracianus Gomez de Villa Nova, quartermaster.
5. Wylhem Kuyper, drummer.
6. Gerrit Wafeltgem, piper.
7. Marten van Andelst, sherriff.
8-10. Militia members.

Source: Costume cavalcade, has held by members of the Leidsch Studenten Corps, at 24th of June 1890, commemmorating the 300th anniversary of Leyden University, re-living the State-entry of Emperor Charles V (1500-1558), into Nijmegen municipality, the Netherlands, 9th February 1546.

Emperor: A New Life of Charles V by Geoffrey Parker.

Drawing on vital new evidence, a top historian dramatically reinterprets the life and reign of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, ruler of the world’s first transatlantic empire.

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