Darius III and Courtiers
Asia Tempi Antichi. Persia. Dario III E Cortigiani.
Darius III, originally named Artashata, around 380 BC. to July 330 BC. was as successors of Arses of Persia (Artaxerxes, Artaxšacā) 336-330 v. Chr. and the last Persian king of the Achaemenid Empire. He lost the battle of Gaugamela against Alexander the Great who conquered the Persian Empire from 334 BC. In flight from the Macedonian king Darius was murdered by a group of nobles around the satrap Bessus.
Source: Usi e Costumi. Antichi e Moderni di Tutti Popoli del Mondo. Narrati e descritti da L. Bellinzoni. Editore Perino. Roma, 1900.
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