On the history of costumes. Thirty-eighth arch. XV. and XVI. century. Münchener Bilderbogen No. 693. Illustration by R. Heil.
German Citizen in Arms. First third of the 16th century.
Source: Münchener Bilderbogen 1848 bis 1898. On the history of costumes. Published by Braun & Schneider. Royal Court and University Printing Office of Dr. C. Wolf & Sohn in Munich.
Town man in full armor with a shield, armor and lance. High riding boots and a helmet adorned with large feathers. A waistcoat with slashed sleeves and tight leggings. The woman is wearing the fashions of the early German Renaissance. Puffy skirt with high waist, above the Cotehardie, with a large train. Upper skirt, the Suckenie and petticoat.

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