Hawaii, Philippines, Cuba. Our islands and their people by José de Olivares.

Photographic excerpts from the two-volume work,- Our islands and their people as seen with camera and pencil by José de Olivares. Hawaii, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Cuba.

Under William McKinley, Jr., 25th President of the United States, led the United States in 1898 war against Spain, with US intervention in Cuba, the Philippines and Puerto Rico. Especially Hawaii’s strategic location for the US warfare in the Philippines made it more important for America’s interests.

On July 7, 1898 McKinley signed the Newlands Resolution which was named after the deputies Francis G. Newlands, with the United States Hawaii officially annexed. A solemn ceremony was held on the steps of Iolani Palace where the Hawaiian Flag drafted and the American flag was hoisted. Dole became the first territorial governor of Hawaii.

Hawaii, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Cuba.

The Filipino-American War 1899-1902

Source: Our islands and their people as seen with camera and pencil by José de Olivares (1899). Publisher: St. Louis: N.D. Thompson, 1899.

Our islands and their people as seen with camera and pencil. Introduced by Major-General Joseph Wheeler, United States Army. With special descriptive matter and narratives by José de Olivares. The noted author and war correspondent. Embracing perfect photographic and descriptive representations of the peoples and the Islands lately acquired from Spain, including Hawaii and the Philippines; also their material resources and productions, homes of the people, their customs and general appearance, with many hundred views of landscapes, rivers, valleys, hills and mountains, so complete as to practically transfer the Islands and their people to the pictured page.

With a special consideration of the conditions that prevailed before the declaration of war, by senators, proctor, thurston, money, and numerous prominent writers and correspondents, and a comparison with conditions as they now exist.
Edited and arranged by William S. Bryan. Photographs by Walter B. Townsend, Fred. W. Fout, Geo. E. Dotter and others. Superbly illustrated with more than twelve hundred special photographs, colortypes, and new colored maps.

N. D. Thompson Puplishing Co. 1899. St. Louis, New YORK, Chicago, Atlanta.

