Phoebus de Chateaupers. Captain of the archers.
Paul Barras, Member of the Executive Board.
Paul Barras 1755-1829. Member of the Executive Board Le Directoire.
Brissot de Warville, leader of the Girondins.
Jacques-Pierre Brissot de Warville called Brissot, publicist and journalist, was the Jacobin and later leader of the Girondins
Nathan the Wise. The Sultan Saladin and his Sister Sittah.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing’s Nathan the Wise. The action takes place during the Third Crusade (1189-1192) during a truce in Jerusalem. The work has as main topics the humanism and tolerance ideas of the Enlightenment.
Parisian printing house. 15th Century.
Parisian printing house. 15th Century. According to Roigny-Jehan, bookseller-printer in Paris. (Sylvestre, Typographical marks, Carnavalet, vol. 2.)
Alderman of Paris. Échevin de Paris. 16th century character.
A city council was appointed in France in the Middle Ages, as a judge of the feudal lord. I
Lancelot and Elaine, The Lady of Shalott.
Lancelot and Elaine. ELAINE the fair, Elaine the lovable, Elaine the lily maid of Astolat, High in her chamber up a tower to the East Guarded the sacred shield of… Read More
Costume of Dione, Mother of Venus by Léon Bakst.
Fantaisie Sur Le Costume Moderne, Dioné’, By Léon Bakst 1914.
Costume designs for the Russian ballet by Léon Bakst.
Costume designs for the Russian ballet “Le Dieu Bleu.” by Léon Bakst 1914.
Embroidered Fan. Designed by Lilian Archer 1914.
Embroidered Fan. Designed by Lilian Archer 1914. Executed by Alice Archer. Owned by Mrs. Drinkwater. Art deco, Art Nouveau era.