Condamné marchant au supplice. Convict going to execution. Tonkin, North Vietnam 1895.
Leader Kinh Luoc Viceroy of Tonkin, Vietnam 1895.
Leader Kinh Luoc Viceroy of Tonkin, Vietnam 1895.
Chief of the local administration in front of the Palace of Kinh Luoc, Hanoi. French colonial History.
Charles I King of England, Scotland and Ireland in the fashion of 1624.
Charles I (1600 – 1649) from the House of Stuart was King of England, Scotland and Ireland from 1625 to 1649.
Water carrier from Tonkin, Vietnam. Porteuse d’eau. 1895.
Porteuse d’eau. Water carrier from Tonkin, North Vietnam 1895.
Girl from Leksand in Dalarna, Sweden 1880
Girl from Leksand in Dalecarlia, Dalarna, Sweden 1880. Read more: Travelling sketches in Russia and Sweden during the years 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808. By Robert Ker Porter. Source: “Sheets for costume… Read More
Native of Vinh Long, Mekong Delta, Vietnam 1895.
Native of Vinh Long, Mekong Delta, Vietnam 1895. Indigene de Vinh-Long.
Armenian lady of Constantinople.
Ottoman Empire. Costume of Armenian lady of Constantinople 1850. Sheets for costume design: historical and folk costumes, by Franz Lipperheide.
Portrait of George IV as Prince of Wales.
George IV as Prince of Wales 1762–1830.
The Hennin or Reticulated Headdress of the 15th century.
During the reign of Henry VI. a reticulated headdress of a different shape was worn. It was in favour in France from about 1410 onwards. Headdresses of the 15th century.
Corpse incineration. La Crémation dans l’Inde. Sri Lanka 1895.
A Hindu priest, brahmane takes the traditional burial rite. La Crémation dans l’Inde.