XVII Siècle. Fabrique Française. Étoffe de soie rehaussée d’argent.
France 15th century fabric wall hanging
France 15th century fabric wall hanging This hanging produces such a decorative effect that one would like to see a grand hall of the XVth century thus hang and decorated.… Read More
Italian Renaissance Fabrics 15th century
Italian Renaissance Fabrics 15th century. XV Century. Italian school. Two tone fabric. In the Louvre. According to John Fisole (Fra Angelico). XV Siècle. École Italienne. Grandeur d’execution. Au museum du Louvre.… Read More
Visit dress by Marie Latz.
The car is here! Visit dress by Marie Latz. Drawing by Ludwig Kaiser. Style, panel 11 April, 1922. Gallery: STYL – 1920s German Art Déco Fashion Magazine by Ludwig Sternaux.… Read More
Firearms and offensive weapons. 16th century.
Accessories firearms and offensive weapons. Renaissance period, 16th century. XVI Century. French factory. Collections of Emperor Napoleon III. at the Louvre Museum.
Italian Fabric design 15th century. After Fra Angelico.
Italian Fabric design 15th century. After Fra Angelico 1395–1455. Early Renaissance period. Italian school. Fabric with four tones. At the Louvre museum. Size of the execution. After a submission by Fra Angelico. XV… Read More
Spanish brocade. Renaissance era. 16th Century.
Spanish brocade fabric 16th Century. Renaissance period. After the original in the Royal Museum of Vienna. Drawn by Paul Wahn, Vienna 1896.
Inhabitant in folk dress from Nummedal Flesberc, Norway.
Inhabitant in folk dress from Nummedal Flesberc, Norway. Suède, Norwège et Danemark. Nº1 Habitant de Flesberc dans Nummedal. (Norwège). Gallery: Folk dresses from Norway, Dutch, Germany and Hungaria.
Interior of the house of Friedman & Weber.
Red paint. Interior of the house of Friedman & Weber. Drawing of Arpre. Styl, table 12 April, 1922. Gallery: STYL – 1920s German Art Déco Fashion Magazine by Ludwig Sternaux.… Read More
Magnificent Venetian helmet, c. 17th c.
Venetian manufactures. Collection of the Emperor Napoleon III. Defensive weapons. Helmet. Baroque period.