Pallas Athene (Minerva) wearing the aegis with the Gorgon’s head on her breast; she wears the himation as a diplax.
Statue of Athene with the skin of the goat Amalthea.
Statue of Athene; wears as under-garment the chiton, next the peplos, with the wars of the giants and the skin of the goat Amalthea.
Ancient Greek Female dancer with himation only.
Female dancer with himation only, called, when thus worn, Achiton, i.e. without chiton.
Women with clasp-fastened chiton.
Greece classical period. Greek female dress of antiquity.
Greek woman of antiquity with detached diploidion.
Ancient Greek woman. Side view of figure with detached diploidion. The female dress of the classical period.
Rococo coiffures of the 18th century.
Various Rococo headdresses and hairstyles; from the books of the time.
German Belle Époque hairstyles in 1906.
Art nouveau Hairstyles. Berlin May 1906. German General hairdresser newspaper.
French baroque and rococo wigs. Diderot`s Encyclopaedia
Wigs of men and woman. Baroque, rococo. 18th century. Diderot`s Encyclopaedia
Scottish clan Mac Dhubhich, or Mac Duffs.
MAC DHUBHICH, OR MAC DUFFS. THIS surname is one of the most ancient in Scotland, and the chief was among the first of those nobles who became distinguished by the Saxon title of Earl.
Limonadiere before triumphal arch of the Place du Carrousel. Paris, 1821.
No vender of any article in the world makes a greater display than the Limonadiere of Paris.