Japan shippō-yaki design. Three segments of a circular border. Cloisonné enamel.
Tag: Arte Decorativo
Art work by Dale Grimshaw. East London, 2016.
Art work by Dale Grimshaw. East London, 2016.
Embroidered Table center by Ann Macbeth. Glasgow School of Art, c. 1911.
Embroideries by Ann Macbeth. Glasgow School of Art.
Al-Andalus. The Conquest of Granada. Boabdil el Chico’s Farewell.
Conquest of Granada. Boabdil el Chico’s Farewell by Washington Irving.
Poland. Costumes of the nobility. Early 17th century.
Poland nobility costumes. Baroque fashion era. Poland. Costumes of the nobility. Early seventeenth century. Polonia. Trajes de la nobleza. Principios del siglo XVII. Source: Galería del Arte Decorativo: Enciclopedia Universal… Read More
Catalan costumes 14th century.
Catalan costumes 14th century. Spain. Catalan costumes mid-fourteenth century. (From a prayer book at Gerona.) España. Trajes catalanes de mediados del siglo XIV. ( De un devocionario procedente de Gerona.) Source: Galería… Read More
Medieval Arab Moorish robes in 13th century.
From the Lapidary of D. Alonso el Sabio. Galería del Arte Decorativo.
Renaissance Armor. Closed helmet with visor. 1500-1550.
Galería del Arte Decorativo. Yelmo cerrado, y con visera. 1500-1550.
Spain. Half armour or corselet from the 16th century.
España. Media armadura ó corselete del siglo XVI.
Chiselled and carved cuirass from the 16th century.
Coraza cincelada y maqueada del siglo XVI. Armeria de Turin.