Tambourine player in the jilbab. Veiled water wearer in a chador. Servant with a turban, tarboosh, vests, harem pants belted with a wide cloth that Sal Sapik, (SAL û Sapik “pants and shirt”).
Tag: Egyptian customs
Traditional Egyptian dress, culture and customs in the Middle East.
Bedouin musician. Nubian slave. Egyptian traditional street clothes.
A young Bedouin with Kufiyya, Jilbab and jacket. Nubian slave girl wearing a caftan over a light of woolen dress. Egyptian woman in street clothing.
A Nubian from Egypt smokes a pipe in 1850.
Egypt. Nubian in traditional dress from 1850 smokes a pipe. In the army and in police service, the Nubians played a major role at all times.
Traditional Arabian Women from Cairo. Ottoman Empire.
AN EGYPTIAN ARAB. Arabian Women from Cairo. Ottoman Empire.