Jeu de Paume (French for “play with the palm”) was a forerunner of tennis, the game is already occupied in the Middle Ages in cloisters.
Tag: Historical Italy Costume
Costume Milan Italie médiévale.
Costume Milan Italie médiévale du 14ème siècle
Tribunal des Marchands. Costumes 14ème siècle.
Tribunal des Marchands. Costumes 14ème siècle.
Italian gothic costumes 15th century.
Italian Gothic costumes 1460 – 1500. Medieval Gothic, Burgundy fashion era.
Antonio Tebaldeo. Italian poet of the renaissance. 16th century.
Antonio Tebaldeo (1463–1537) was born in Ferrara, where he was an educator of Isabella d’Este and then secretary of Lucretia Borgia later. Successor of Francesco Petrarch.
Isabella d’Este. La donna del mondo prima.
Isabella d’Este known as The First Lady of the Renaissance with a balzo, the famous Capigliari headdress.
Torquato Tasso and Leonora d’Este. A drama by J. W. von Goethe.
Torquato Tasso and Leonora d’Este is a drama in five acts by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The Italian poet Torquato Tasso is the focus of the action.
Italian craftsmen in 1350. Medieval clothing.
Italian craftsmen in 1350. Medieval clothing. Vicino, Calzolaio, Beccaio, Molinaro, Segatore di fieno, Salinaro, Agricoltore, Muratore, Boscaiuolo, Raccoglitore d’olive, Taglialegna, Falegname, Falconiere, Orefice, Fabbro, Pescivendolo. Dallo Statuto di Trieste del… Read More
16th century Florentine costume. Italian renaissance.
16th century Florentine costume. Italian renaissance. We have here a florentine costume of the 16th century in all its splendor. The whole dress is covered with ornament intentionally made as… Read More
Italian fashion of the 16th century. Modes Italiennes. Époque de Henry III.
Italian Renaissance modes. Neapolitan lady in full dress. Lady of Pisa. A Florentine noble man.