Reigns of John II and of Charles V. 1350 to 1380. The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries – Low dresses – Garnaches and garde-corps. Precious stones. Splendid furniture.
Tag: Medieval costume
Medieval costume history. The period between the end of antiquity and the beginning of modern times about the 6th to the 15th century. It includes as superordinate, the Byzantine, Merovingian, Carolingian and Burgundian costume eras. Therein are the Gallic, Celtic, English-Saxon, Normans, Gothic, Romanesque included.
German court costumes. First half of the 15th century.
German court costumes. First half of the 15th century.
German Knight in Armor, 15th century.
Knight in armor and noble wife in Germany 1450.
The Carolingian, Capetian Fashion Period 987 to 1270.
Carolingian, Capetian period. Variety of costume. Women in the twelfth century. Emblazoned gowns. The bliaud. Pelisses. The cotte-hardie.
Carolingian Costumes. Frankish King, Military Leader, Knight.
The Carolingian fashion of the nobility is still strongly influenced by the Roman fashion, mixed with Germanic and Byzantine styles.
Middle Ages fashion history in Germany.
Middle Ages fashion history in Germany. Dress of the citizen, peasants and nobility.