Ornamental Cloisonné Enamel Designs. Polychromatic ornament by Auguste Racinet.
Tag: Ornaments
Cloisonné Enamel. Specimens of Chinese and Japanese Art.
The various specimens of enamel by Auguste Racinet.
Specimens of Chinese Art. Meanders and Scallops.
Ornamental designs. Specimens of Chinese Art.
Minoan ornament in applied Art. Crete and Greece.
Decorative Motives from the Arts of early Crete and Greece. About 2000 B. C. Middle and Late Minoan.
Frescoes and Arabesques of Raphael – Loggie of The Vatican.
Renaissance 16th Century. Frescoes and Arabesques of Raphael. Loggie of The Vatican. By Polychromatic ornament by Auguste Racinet.
Indian Art. Niellos and engraved metals. Ornamental decorations.
Niellos and engraved metals. Ornamental decorations on utilitarian objects.
Indian arts and crafts of the 19th century.
Sumptuous Garment of a Mummy. The Necropolis of Ancon, 1880.
The empire of the Incas. Sumptuous Garment of a Mummy. From: The Necropolis of Ancon Vol. 2. Date: 1880
Anglo-Saxon dress, ornaments and relics of gold and bronze.
The great love of the Saxons for display in dress and ornament led to a very, remarkable development of artistic skill in fashioning and decorating articles of jewelry, which were worn by men in greater profusion than by women.
Constance of Castile, Duchess of Lancaster with horned head-dress.
Constance of Castile (1354 – 24 March 1394) the second wife of John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster with horned head-dress.
Conventional flora and flower work. Middle ages. 15th century.
THE details that fill the accompanying plate are too numerous for us to indicate the sources from which they have been derived, but they have all been taken from manuscripts of the fifteenth century.