Few monarchs have been so distinguished by their avidity for knowledge and instruction as Francis I.
Category: 1540
Costumes and Fashion in 1540, 16th century. Late medieval dresses.
Royal gloves of Henry VIII. Tudor King of England.
One of the most beautiful pair of gloves probably in existence, and fortunately in a fine state of preservation.
The Ardabil Carpet. Famous Iranian Persian Carpet.
The Ardabil carpet is a famous Iranian Persian carpet from the 16th century and at the same time the oldest carpet in the world with a specific year of manufacture.
Patrician woman in precious bridal crown. The Nuremberg Patriciate.
The portrait of a woman from the first half of the 16th century shows a bride from a rich Nuremberg patrician family. The Nuremberg City Council declared themselves patricians during the Renaissance
Jupes. Les Modes de la Renaissance. Costume Féminin Français.
Quadrillé fantaisie, Tissu broché, Pan de jupe sous François 1er, Dame de la cour (1520), Claude de Lorraine. L’Histoire du Costume Féminin Français. Les Modes de la Renaissance de l’an 1461 à l’an 1574.
Costume Français. Influence latine sous la Renaissance. Élégantes.
Élégantes. Diane de Poitiers, La Reine Claude, Catherine de Médicis, Mme Elisabeth, La Belle Ferronnière. L’Histoire du Costume Féminin Français. Les Modes de la Renaissance de l’an 1461 à l’an 1574.
German knight in armor. De arte athletica by Paul Hector Mair.
“The Knightly Arts”. De arte athletica by Paul Hector Mair.