Chasuble decorated with embroidery, 16th century. XVI Century. French school. (Clothing) at Musée Condé, Chantilly. Decorated with embroidery. Renaissance period. XVI Siècle. École Française. ( Vètement ) Au Musée Condé, à… Read More
Category: 16th Century
Costumes and Fashion in 16th century. Renaissance, Spanish Fashion, Tudor.
Portrait of James I with sword. Son of Mary Stuart.
The son of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, and her second husband, Henry Stewart, Duke of Albany.
Anne Of Brittany, duchess of Brittany, queen consort of France.
Anne de Bretagne 1477-1514, 2ème Femme de Louis XII, d’après Gaignières, 1500. Modes et Costumes Historiques 1864.
Claude of France 1498-1524, Queen of France, from the House of Valois.
Claude of France. La Reine Claude, 1ère Femme du Roi Francois Ier, d´après Gaignières, Née En 1498, Morte En 1524.
Henri d’Albret, Grand-Père De Henri IV, d’après Gagnières, 1527.
Henry II, called Henri d’Albret (1503-1555) was titular king of Navarre. He was the eldest son of Jean d’Albret and Catherine of Navarre, Grandfather of Henri IV in 1527.
Francis III of Brittany, Dauphin of Viennois in 1534.
Francois, Dauphin de Viennois, Fils du Roi Francois I, d´après Gaignières, 1534.
Elisabeth of Austria, Queen of France.
Elisabeth d´Autriche, Femme De Charles IX, d’après Gaignières, 1570.
Marguerite de Valois 1553–1615. Queen of France.
Marguerite de Valois, daughter of Henri II of France, and first wife of Henri IV.
Parisian Bourgeois in the Reign of Louis XII 1510.
Bourgeois, Règne de Louis XII d´après Willemin, 1510. Modes et Costumes Historiques
Nobleman in Spanish court dress 16th century
Nobleman in Spanish court dress in the Reign of Charles IX 1572. Renaissance period. “Modes et Costumes Historiques“. Drawing by Xavier Willemin. Edited and steel engraving by Hippolyte Louis Emile and Polidor… Read More