Clothes made especially in Brandenburg, Prussia 1780.
Category: 18th Century
Costume and Fashion History during the 18th Century. Clothing of the Late Baroque, Rococo, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Rose Bertin Minister of Fashion at the court of Marie Antoinette. The French Revolution fashion period of Incroyables and Merveilleuses. The Georgians and Regency period.
English style clothing. Court costume. Summer suit and Swiss hat.
Paris fashion c. 1760. English style clothing. Court costume. Summer suit and Swiss hat.
Fashion under the French Revolution 1789 to 1802.
Great Days of the Revolution. Fashion under the French Revolution & Directoire Period 1789 to 1802.
Paris saleswoman of cream. Marchande de crème 1774.
Marchande de crème 1774. D’après Poisson. Paris à travers les siècles. Histoire nationale de Paris et des Parisiens par Genouillac.
Clothing of a Parisian ribbon merchant in 1774.
Parisian ribbon merchant. Paris through the centuries. National history of Paris and Parisians
German mother with monstrous child that was called a divine miracle.
The child is referred to as divine miracle. The costume of the woman is the same as that of a farmer’s wife of that time.
Marchand de coco 1774. Costumes de Paris. D’après Poisson.
Coconut merchant costume 1774. Costumes of Paris. Paris à travers les siècles.
Coiffure à l’échelle. Hairstyle to scale. Caricature of the 18th century.
Coiffure à l’échelle. Caricature du XVIII siècle. D’après une gravure du temps. Gravure extraite de l’ouvrage de H . Gourdon de Genouillac.
Bourgeois woman of Paris in street costume at the end of the 18th century.
Citizen of Paris in street costume. Bourgeoise en 1781.
Walnut Saleswoman from Paris. Costume of 1774.
Marchande de cerneaux. Costumes de Paris. Walnut Saleswoman from Paris. Costume of 1774.