Emily Faithfull (1835–1895). English women’s rights activist, and publisher.
Category: 19th Century
Millicent Fawcett British suffragette. Victorian period.
Millicent Fawcett Suffragette. Millicent Garrett Fawcett (1847-1929), was a British suffragette. She was known especially as a leader of the women’s suffrage movement. She was convinced that men and women… Read More
England Boer war. Royal Lancasters. Lieutenant, Captain, Adjutant.
Royal Lancasters. Lieutenant, Captain, Adjutant. England Boer war. 1880–1881 and 1899–1902 by the British Empire.
Traditional Farmer costume from Hittertal Fellemarken Norway
Traditional Farmer costume from Hittertal Fellemarken Norway. COSTUME SUÈDE, NORWEGE, DANEMARK, No.7. PAYSAN D’HJERDAL DANS FELLMARKEN. (Norwege) Gallery: Folk dresses from Norway, Dutch, Germany and Hungaria.
The Scots Guards. England Boer war uniforms.
The Scots Guards. England Boer war uniforms. Color-Sergeant and Privat, The Scots Guards England Boer war. 1880–1881 and 1899–1902 by the British Empire.
Modes Parisiennes 1823. Restoration Hairstyles.
Modes Parisienes 1823. Restoration hairstyles. La Réunion Journal Littéraire et des Modes. Nr.1. Coiffure ornée de fleurs Cyelamen d’or de M. Ducoudray R. Vivienne, Nr.10. Nr.2. Coiffure ornée de Ruban de M.… Read More
Traditional Borneo, Java, Malaysian costumes
Natives of Borneo. Saghai Dyak N.E. Coast. Loondoo Dyak S.W. Coast.
Natives of Java
Hellenes, Pelasgian costumes, 19th century.
Hellenes, Pelasgian. Grecian 19th c.. The Comprehensive Atlas and Geography of the World
Kurds and Persians in their 19th century environment
Kurds and Persians in their 19th century environment and costumes
Aborigines clothing of South America.
Aborigines clothing of South America. 1.2.3. Botocudos of Brazil. 4.5.6. Natives of Patagonia. 7.8. Natives of Terra del Fuego. The Comprehensive Atlas and Geography of the World. “Races of the… Read More