Thomas of Lancaster, 2nd Earl of Lancaster was an English magnate and rebel.
Tag: British Military Costume
James Wolfe and the capture of Quebec City.
James Wolfe (1727-1759) was a British general, significant for his role in Britain’s conquest of Canada.
The escape of Charles II after the Battle of Worcester, 1651.
King Charles II escaped, and now entered upon a scene of adventures the most romantic that can be imagined.
The Norman conquest. A critical inquiry into ancient armour.
The Norman conquest. William the Conqueror. 1066. The state of Armour in Britain when William led his army of Normans.
Honorable Artillery Company of London
Honorable Artillery Company of London
Dorsetshire Yeomanry Cavalry, Queen’s Own
The Queen’s Own Regiment of Dorset Yeomanry Cavalry
The Border Regiment. British Army 1893.
The Border Regiment (34th & 55th Foot)
Royal Sappers and Miners. Working Dress 1854.
Royal Sappers and Miners. Working Dress 1854.
The allied sovereigns attending a review in Hyde Park, 1814.
The allied sovereigns. The Duke of Wellington. The King of Prussia. Prince Regent (George IV). The Emperor of Russia.
A Ressaldar of the 16th Bengal cavalry
A Ressaldar of the 16th Bengal cavalry. The native captain of an Indian cavalry regiment. From the book: Living Races of Mankind. A popular illustrated account of the customs, habits,… Read More