Bridesmaids clothing in 1860. Traditional Bavarian costumes. Two women in traditional costume (Dirndl) of Starnberg, Bavaria, Germany. Starnberg gained notoriety through the death of the Bavarian King Ludwig II, also… Read More
Category: 19th Century
Moldawia folk dresses. Austro-Hungarian monarchy costumes
Moldawia folk dresses. Traditional national costumes. The peoples of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Published by Johann Nepomuk Vernay, Austria, 1896.
Bucovina folk dresses. Traditional folk costumes from Ukrajna.
Bucovina folk dresses. Traditional folk costumes and military uniforms from Ukrajna. The peoples of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Published by Johann Nepomuk Vernay, Austria, 1896. Traditional ethnic costumes from Galicia
Peoples from Dalmacija. The peoples of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.
The peoples of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.
Traditional Poland mourning dresses, 19th century.
Traditional Poland mourning dresses, 19th century.
Polish soldiers. Military of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.
Polish soldiers. Military of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. The peoples of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Published by Johann Nepomuk Vernay, Austria, 1896.
Peoples from Hungary, Magyars.
Habsburg monarchy. Traditional Magyars folk dresses and nobility costumes.
Slovenian folk costume. Slowenic national dresses in 1890.
Slovenian folk costume. Slowenic national dresses in 1890. The peoples of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Published by Johann Nepomuk Vernay, Austria, 1896.
Siebenbürgen traditional costumes. Transsylvania dresses.
Siebenbürgen traditional costumes. Transsylvanian (German Settler from Saxony and Swabia). The peoples of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Published by Johann Nepomuk Vernay, Austria, 1896.
Transylvania traditional dress. Romanian folk costumes.
Transylvania traditional dress. Romania folk costumes. Source: The peoples of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Published by Johann Nepomuk Vernay, Austria, 1896.