The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving.
Category: North America
North America costume
Ethel Barrymore 1898. American actress.
Ethel Barrymore (actually: Ethel Blyth. 1879 -1959) was an American actress.
A Shahaptian chief in ceremonial costume.
A Shahaptian chief in ceremonial costume. From the book: Living Races of Mankind. A popular illustrated account of the customs, habits, pursuits, feasts, and ceremonies of the races of mankind… Read More
Assembly of the Native Americans in Florida to war.
Assembly of the Native Americans in Florida to war. Squaws from Florida lament their men killed in the war.
Residents of Norton Sound of the Bering Sea, Alaska.
Inhabitants of Norton Sound of the Bering Sea, Alaska. From “Full Peoples Gallery in images of all nations” by Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsche, Meissen, 1840.
Apache medicine shirts. The medicine-men of the Apache.
Apache medicine shirts. The medicine-men of the Apache by John Gregory Bourke. Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology.
Zuñi Prey god fetiches. The drying of he world.
Zuñi Prey god fetiches. The drying of he world. Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1880-1881, Read more: History of the… Read More
Apache Ghost dance. Ceremonial head gear.
Apache Ghost dance. Ceremonial head gear. Annual Ethnology Report of the US Government. Lithographed by Sackett & Wilhelms. Printed in New York: c.1897. Read more: History of the Indian Tribes… Read More
Necklace of Human Fingers. Cheyenne Medicine Man.
The fingers were those of famous enemies, noted for their superior courage and bravery, whom the Cheyennes had killed in battle during their various wars.
American Native Zuni masks and Ko-ye-me-shi.
ZUÑI MASKS AND KŌ-YĒ-MĒ-SHI. GROUP OF SÄ-LÄ-MŌ-BĪ-YA MASKS. 1. KŌ-YĒ-MĒ-SHI – 2. PA-OO-TI-WA – 3. SAI-A-HLI-A. Ceremonial masks for rain and corn dance of Zuni Indians of North America Southwest. Read more: INVOLUNTARY INITIATION INTO… Read More