An Inferior Officer of the Janissaries. Lower-ranking official of the Janissary corps.
Category: Asia
Costume and fashion history of Asia. Manners and Customs. Collected from rare sources.
A Sultana, or Odalisk. Odalisque of the Sultan’s Harem.
Odalisque of the Sultan’s Harem.
A Spahi of the Asiatic provinces. Member of the Ottoman irregular cavalry.
The establishment of the Spahis is the most ancient in Turkey. This drawing was made from a Spahi, belonging to one of the Asiatic provinces.
Janissary Laddle-Bearer. Ottoman Empire 1800.
Laddle-Bearer. Cook of the Janissary corps.
A Turk in a Pelise. Ottoman man in a fur coat.
A Turk in a Pelise. Ottoman man in a fur coat.
First Dragoman. Page, messenger of the Turkish Sultan. Ottoman Empire.
First Dragoman, messenger of the Turkish Sultan. Historical Ottoman Empire officials. The costume of Turkey by Octavian Dalvimart.
The Chief of the Ulemas.
The Chief of the Ulemas. Scholar of Islamic Law and other disciplines.
A Greek woman of the Island of Marmara (with her child).
The island of Marmora, according to Strabo, was known to the ancients by the name of Proconnesus.
Malay Kris. Polygar`s Knife. Abbotsford Swords and dagger.
Polygar`s Knife, Malay Kris, Tartar Sword in Brass-Mounted Shagreen Scabbard, Rob Roy`s Dirk. Hunting Knives or Couteaux de Chasse.
A Zeyat or Oil Seller with Customers in his Shop in Cairo.
A Zeyat or Oil Seller with Customers in his Shop in Cairo Source: The Oriental Album. Characters, Costumes, And Modes Of Life, In The Valley Of The Nile. Published 1848.… Read More