Muslim ascetic orders. Ecstatic Dances. Life on the Bosphorus. Doings in the city of the Sultan. Turkey, past and present, including chronicles of the Caliphs from Mahomet to Abdul Hamid II. by William J. J. Spry.
Category: Turkey
Costumes, customs, traditions and history of Turkey.
A Porter from Istanbul.
A Porter from Istanbul.
The Door of Felicity. The Harem of the Sultan’s private apartments.
Life on the Bosphorus. Doings in the city of the Sultan. Turkey, past and present, including chronicles of the Caliphs
Shahrazade a Turkish lady of high rank made her escape from the Harem.
On Thursday, July 1st, a Turkish lady of high rank made her escape from the Harem of the ex-Sultan Murad, and sought British protection.
Dancing Dervishes. Life on the Bosphorus. Doings in the city of the Sultan.
We made up a party one Friday to visit the Dancing Dervishes, at their pretty little white marble mosque at Pera.
Dinner at Crisso. In the house of the bishop of Salona.
This prelate is receiving the homage of a Greek peasant, who kisses the ground before he applies his lips to the bishop’s hand.
Entrance to the Tower of the Winds at Athens.
To the south-east of the Roman Agora is the octagonal Tower of the Eight Winds; the Clepsydra of Andronikos Kyrrheste described by Vitruviu.
The weekly market, bazar, or market-place of Athens.
Greeks, Turks, and Albanians are then seen mingled together; and while the variegated diversity of their costumes gratifies the eye of the beholder.
The Dance of the Dervishes in the Tower of the Winds.
This tower has been converted into a Semà-Khanés or chapel for the religious dance called Semà, which is performed every Friday within its walls by an order of dancing dervishes.
Sclaveni male costume in 1760, 18th century.
Sclaveni male costume in 1760, 18th century.