Secretary at State, high Chancellor of the Empire, and Minister for Foreign affairs.
Category: Turkey
Costumes, customs, traditions and history of Turkey.
A Janissary officer. Ottoman empire infantry.
The Muslim soldiers are divided into two classes: the Spahis, or cavalry, and the Janissaries, or infantry.
A dervish of Syria. Each order has its particular costume.
THE various institutions of the Dervishes (Sufi) are established upon different principles. Each founder gave a distinctive character to his sect, by the statues, regulations, and practices, which he appointed.
Women of Malta in traditional costumes, by Amadeo Preziosi 1851.
Women of Malta in traditional costumes. Time of the Ottoman Empire. Drawing by Amadeo Preziosi 1851.
Albanian soldier in fustanella during Ottoman Empire.
Albania, soldier, Ottoman Empire,
Albanian Turk soldier with gun and sword. Ottoman empire military.
Albania, turk, soldier, Amedeo Preziosi, Ottoman empire, military, history,
Albanian woman at Stamboul. Recollections of Eastern Life.
Albanian woman at Stamboul, Recollections of Eastern Life by Amedeo Preziosi.
Arabian men from the desert. Ottoman Empire 19th c.
Men from the Arabian desert. Stamboul, Recollections of Eastern Life by Amedeo Preziosi.
Armenian Hamal. A porter or bearer in the Ottoman Empire.
Hammal, ḥammāl in Arabic, was the name given to the occupation of carrier. The Hammal had their own organization, a kind of early union.
Praying Mevlevi Dervish. The monks of the Order of Mevlevi .
The Sufi is the guardian of the secret teachings, the truth of Islam.