Young lady dressed in a Circassian dress lined with painted complaint stripes, in the newest taste. Court dress during the reign of Louis XVI in Versailles.
Category: Louis XVI
Louis-seize. Fabrics. French Silks hanging patterns.
The silks, the designs for which form the subject of our plate, all come from that branch of French manufacture to which Golbert, under Louis XIV, gave so powerful an impulse
English Frac. Frac à l’anglaise, avec Bavaroises 1780.
Elegant young man dressed in an English Frac, with Bavarians, black collar Bottom side, wearing a Hat à la jokes.
Robe à l’Anglaise. Coiffée d’un Bonnet à la Janot.
Robe à l’Anglaise. Coiffée d’un Bonnet à la Janot, 1778. Young lady dressed in a plain English Taffeta dress with a platitude band; Heading of a Janot Cap.
Parures. Les modes sous Louis XVI. 1774-1789
Fashion under Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette 1774-1789. The Rococo Fashion. Adornments
Etoffes. Les modes sous Louis XVI. La mode du rococo.
Fashion under Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette 1774-1789. The Rococo Fashion.
Corsages & Bodices. Fashion under Louis XVI.
Bodices. Fashions under Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette 1774-1789. Rococo fashions.
Chapeaux. Les modes sous Louis XVI. La mode du rococo.
The history of French women’s costume. Fashion under Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette 1774-1789. The Rococo fashion.
Dresses of precious extravagance. Rococo fashion 1774-1789.
Precious extravagance. Fashions under Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette 1774-1789.
Louis XVI, fashion c. 1770-1795.
Fashion of the Rococo. Time of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.