Importation of foreign fashions in 1815 — White dresses, white feathers, and fleurs de lys — Emigrant ladies — Russian toques — Male and female dressmakers — Ruchings — Short sleeves and long gloves — Herbault’s bonnets — “Chefs” — Anglomania in 1815 — Green gauze veils; spencers — The “canezou”— Lacroix, the stay-maker — Dr. Pelletan and Charles X. — Wasps — The “Ourika” fashions — The famous leg-of-mutton sleeves — Fashions “a l’Ipsiboé,” “au Trocadéro,” and “à la Dame Blanche” — Blonde caps and turbans — Head-dresses — Fashions “à la giraffe;” “the last sigh of Jocko” — Female book-keepers; shopwomen — The Cafe des Mille-Colonnes.
Category: France
Carolingian Lord going to hunt with bird. 7th century.
Carolingian Lord going to hunt with bird. 7th century.
Fashion history. Reign of Napoleon I. 1804 to 1814.
Fashions under the First Empire. Reign of Napoleon I. 1804 to 1814.
Part of the Allies entering Paris after Waterloo 1814.
The Reminiscences and Recollections of Captain Gronow, being anecdotes of the camp, court, clubs and society, 1810-1860.
France. Fashion during the Second Republic. 1848 to 1864.
France 19th century. Fashion during the Second Republic. 1848 to 1864. History of Fashion. Girondin mantles. Beaver bonnets. Kasawecks. Summer dresses. Jewellery.
Gallic chieftain under the Roman domination.
Gallic chieftain under the Roman domination. 2nd to 3rd century.
Gallic leader before the Roman conquest.
Gallic leader before the Roman conquest. 1st century. Gaul independent.
The Gallic and Gallo-Roman costume period.
Gallic period—Woad, or the pastel — Tunics and boulgètes — “Mavors” and “Palla” — Cleanliness of the Gallic women — The froth of beer or kourou — The women of Marseilles; their marriage-portions — Gallo-Roman period — The Roman garment — The stola — Refinement of elegance — Extravagant luxury of women — Artificial aids — A vestiaire or wardrobe-room of the period — Shoes — Jewels and ornaments — The amber and crystal ball — Influence of the barbarians.
Modes Parisiennes in the Reign of Louis XVI. 1787
Modes Parisiennes in the Reign of Louis XVI. Modes Parisiennes Règne de Louis XVI. d’après Debucourt 1787 Associated to: Fashion in the Reign of Louis XVI. 1774 to 1780.… Read More
Fashion in the Reign of Louis XV. The Regency.
Fashion between the Regency of the Duke of Orleans and the reign of Louis XV 1715 to 1774. Both acted on the same motto: “All for pleasure.”