Severity of feminine costume – Long gowns and gimps – Marguerite of Provence – “Fermaux” – Reappearance of splendor in dress – Eastern customs – The priests of fashion – Haberdashery and peacock-feathers – Female embroiderers – Taste for embroidery – Continual temptations – Earliest sumptuary laws – Furs – St. Louis’s opinion on dress – Prohibitions by Philippe le Bel; speech made by his wife – Crépine.
Category: Fashion History
Nobles français en costume médiéval de la cour de Jean II le Bon
French noblewoman in medieval courtly costume of the 14th century, from the court of the French King John II (French: Jean le Bon).
Costume féminin bourgeois allemand en 1515
Costume féminin bourgeois allemand en 1515. German bourgeois women costume.
Men-at-arms with lances. 16th century soldiers.
German knights, men-at-arms with lances, 16th century. Renaissance era, 16th century soldiers. Heavy cavalry.
De arte athletica. Knights riding to the tournament, 16th c.
Knights riding to the tournament. De arte athletica. Augsburg mid-16th Century.
Knights tournament duel jousting. Fight Scene during a duel.
Fight Scene during a duel. German Heavy cavalry of the 16th century.
German knights in full armor. Heavy cavalry.
German knights in full armor riding to the tournament. German Renaissance period, 16th century. Heavy Cavalry. Since the 15th Century, the joust was no longer relevant as a military training and… Read More
Costume de chasse 1779. Rococo hunting costume.
Costume de chasse 1779. Hunting costume.
14th century clothing in Italy. Second half of the XIV century.
Burgundian fashion (Hennin, Escoffion, Surcoat, Cotehardie, Cotta) of the middle ages in Italy.
Henry II. king of France, descended from the Valois-Angoulême dynasty.
Henry II (1519-1559) from the House of Valois-Angoulême was from 1547 to 1559 King of France. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria