Gauntlets and gloves. England 16th century. Tudor fashion era.
Category: Fashion History
Lady in Paris Ball Gown 1822. Restoration era.
Lady in Paris Ball Gown 1822. France Restoration era. England Regency period, Romanticism. German biedermeier period. Gallery: “Sheets for costume design: historical and folk costumes. Published by Franz Lipperheide, 1876-1887. Associated to:… Read More
German baroque aristocracy costume.
Baroque aristocracy. German man of rank in the garb 1670-1680.
Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots receiving her death warrant.
Mary Stuart receiving her death warrant after she was found guilty of plotting to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I of England
16th century Florentine costume. Italian renaissance.
16th century Florentine costume. Italian renaissance. We have here a florentine costume of the 16th century in all its splendor. The whole dress is covered with ornament intentionally made as… Read More
Rococo scenery after a drawing by Watteau.
This engraving is a servile reproduction of a design by Watteau.
Italian fashion of the 16th century. Modes Italiennes. Époque de Henry III.
Italian Renaissance modes. Neapolitan lady in full dress. Lady of Pisa. A Florentine noble man.
Historically Accurate. Flapper girl makeup and hairstyle.
Back to the 1920s as she prepares for a night of jazz, class and stylish decadence.
Arms of the Holy-Empire. German Lansquenets of the 16th c..
These two pieces are drawn from the remarkable volume called the Arms of the Holy-Empire
German Costume and Heraldic Art, 16th century.
German Costume and Heraldic Art, 16th century.