Miniature of the Breviary of Cardinal Grimani, attributed to Marciana Biblioteca of S.Marc, Venice. Fifteenth century.
Category: Court dress
Anne Dauphine of Auvergne in armorial robe.
Anna Dauphine d’Auvergne (1358 – 1417) Countess of Forez, Comtesse de Montpensier
Courtiers of the time of Richard II.
Anjou-Plantagenêt ruling dynasty of medieval England
Robe à la Diane. 18ème siècle la mode rococo.
Robe à la Diane. Jolie Femme vêtu d’une Robe d’un nouveau gout dit à la Diane. Galerie des modes et costumes français.
Dutch noble woman in the 15th century.
Dutch noble woman in the 15th century. Dutch noble women in the Burgundian fashion of the 15th century. Source: Ons voorgeslacht in zijn dagelyksch leven geschilderd. Willem Jacobs Hofdijk. Haarlem… Read More
Dame de la cour. Marie de Médicis en Veuve. Gentilhomme, vers 1620.
Court Lady. Marie de Medici as widow. Gentleman, 1620.
Gentilhomme de la cour de François 1er. 16ème siècle.
Renaissance costume of a Gentleman of the court of Francis I. 16th century. Costumes civils et militaires des Français à travers les siècles.
Louis XIII creating a Knight of the Holy Spirit (1633).
Gentleman leading a Country Bride (1636). Louis XIII creating a Chevalier du Saint-Esprit (1633).
Eleanor of Portugal. Empress of the Holy Roman Empire.
Historical costumes designed and engraved by Paul Mercuri
Frederick III. Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
Friedrich III. 1415 -1493, from the house of Habsburg was from 1440 Roman-German king and from 1452 Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.