Two groups of poets, living in the seclusion of two monasteries were particularly involved in the dispute when at its height.
Category: Ecclesiastical
Ecclesiastical dresses and antiques. Medieval, Byzantine.
The Hagia Sophia of Thessaloniki, Greece. Byzantine Architecture.
The Church of St. Sophia Thessaloniki. The grand scene of the Ascension is one of the best specimens of Byzantine mosaic extant.
Monasteries and Cloisters as Centres of learning and Culture.
The history of monasticism reveals the fact that In every field of thought and activity this institution wrought good and evil.
The daily life of the monks. The Benedictine system.
In the Benedictine system early Western monasticism is to be seen at its best. Its rule was generally adopted by the monasteries of Western Europe.
The Temples of Baalbek in Lebanon.
The Temples of Baalbek in Lebanon. Egypt and Palestine by Francis Frith
Saint John and the hymn writers of Mar Saba.
Early monastic life. Mar Saba, center of earlier Greek Hymns. John of Damascus, Cosmas of Maiuma, Stephen the Sabaean
The Hagia Sophia of Trebizond, Turkey. Byzantine Architecture.
The Hagia Sophia, former Byzantine monastic church in Trabzon. Byzantine Art, History and Architecture.
The Holy House of Loreto. The Basilica della Santa Casa.
In the slope of the eastern Apennines, overlooking the Adriatic gulf, stands what may be called the European Nazareth.
The immersion of the pilgrims in the Jordan River
In this View Achmet Aga, the Governor of Jerusalem, with a part of his Arab guard, occupy the foreground.
Benares, the sacred city in the Vedic times.
Benares, (Varanasi) the sacred city: sketches of Hindu life and religion. Early worship, early ritual, religious literature, Brahmanas and Upanishads