The ancient Greek temple of Poseidon at Cape Sunnius, built between 444-440 BC, is one of the main monuments of Athens’ Golden Age.
Category: Genre
A shop and street in Chinatown of San Francisco.
A shop and street in Chinatown from a portfolio of photographs by John L. Stoddard and Old Chinatown by Arnold Genthe.
Camp of A Caravan on the Sahara Desert
Caravans glide over its surface like gigantic fleets. The beautiful, mysterious oasis. A veritable ocean the mighty desert is. It has the same succession of limitless horizons, the same dreary monotony.
Mayan Stone Idol. Front View, at Copán. Honduras
This image represents one of the most famous rulers of Copán, King Waxaklajun Ub’aah K’awiil, dressed as one of the maize gods.
Benares, the sacred city in the Vedic times.
Benares, (Varanasi) the sacred city: sketches of Hindu life and religion. Early worship, early ritual, religious literature, Brahmanas and Upanishads
Noble dancing girl. Woman in typically Oriental ensemble.
In earlier India, there were nobles and dancing girls; whose dress on festive occasions was not too different from the one depicted here.
Sumptuous Garment of a Mummy. The Necropolis of Ancon, 1880.
The empire of the Incas. Sumptuous Garment of a Mummy. From: The Necropolis of Ancon Vol. 2. Date: 1880
Encampment of the Alloeen in Wady Araba.
… look around on the ghastly and almost unearthly desolation of this scene, … the trials of the Israelites were far greater than we had ever before imagined.
Large mummy with a false head, from the dead field of Ancon.
The shape of the mummy pack is not conditioned by the body, as in the present instance is evident from its very proportions.
St. Catherine of Alexandria and St. Agnes of Rome.
St. Catherine of Alexandria holding in her hands instruments of her punishment. On the right is St. Agnes, and a lamb, the emblem of her innocence and gentleness.