Gallic warrior from about 400-200 before Christ. Reconstructed after antique sculptures and original finds. Gimbel’s weapons collection.
Category: Genre
Basilian monks. The foundation of the Order of St. Basil.
Order of Saint Basil the Great. Basilian monks. Armenian Monks. Coptic Monks.
Tomb of the Prophets. Tomb of Lazarus at Bethany.
Plan and sections of the Tomb of the Prophets; View, plan and section of the Tomb of Lazarus at Bethany.
The Royal Château de Blois, Loir-et-Cher.
The Palace of Blois affords an example of successive changes in the buildings, from the original castle to the period of the Renaissance.
Ruins of the Church of St. John Sebaste, ancient Samaria.
The ruins of the Church of Saint John the Baptist in the ancient city of Samaria, not far from the modern city of Nablus.
Nablous, the ancient Shechem, one of the oldest cities in Palestine.
View of one of the oldest and most interesting Canaanite cities in Palestine. Nablous contains some fine fragments of its former grandeur.
Jacob’s Well in Samaria at the foot of Mount Garizim near Nablus.
Jacob’s Well (the Well of the Samaritan Woman) is a well in Samaria at the foot of Mount Garizim near biblical Shechem (now Nablus).
The escape of Charles II after the Battle of Worcester, 1651.
King Charles II escaped, and now entered upon a scene of adventures the most romantic that can be imagined.
Elizabethan. Explorer of noble rank. Woman of the upper classes.
Tudor period. English Renaissance. Explorer of noble rank. Woman of the upper classes. Elizabethan fashion history.
Armaments of war from 1350 to about 1460. France. Middle ages.
War armour from 1350 to about 1460, in the period of the Hundred Years War. The development of the Bascinet helmet of the knight’s armour in the Middle Ages