The Chapel of St Helena is a 12th-century Armenian church in the lower level of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, built during the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
Category: Genre
Distant view of the Cedars of Lebanon. Landscape Illustrations of the Bible.
The Cedars of Lebanon are now comparatively few, and with them are gone the eagles and wild beasts, to which they afforded shelter
The Stone of Unction in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
The Stone of Unction, also known as the Stone of Anointing in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem 1839
Byzantine silk fabric with elephants from the 8th to 10th century.
Silk fabric. Background red pattern opposite. Large circles with elephants. The pattern is a Byzantine redesign of an originally Sassanid pattern.
Byzantium. Costumes of the Eastern Roman emperor and empress.
History of Costume. Byzantium. 400 – 1100 AD. Costumes of the Eastern Roman emperor and empress.
View of the Valley of Jehoshaphat, by Ermete Pierotti.
View of the Valley of Jehoshaphat, Mount Moriah, Tomb of Absalom, Tomb of S. James, Tomb of Zacharias, Mount of Olives, Road to Siloam etc
The Golden Gate of the Temple at Jerusalem, Israel.
The Golden Gate is a walled gate on the east side of the Jerusalem Temple Mount / Haram ash-Sharif, dating from early Islamic times.
The Church of the Purification at Jerusalem. The Holy Land 1839.
The Church of the Purification is, in fact, not represented in this westward view of the Jerusalem landscape.
Historical views of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives.
The view is extensive beyond the city, commanding the plain of Jericho, and, on the east, the valley of the Jordan, and a portion of the Dead Sea.
German clothing up to the 10th c.. Goths, Lombards, Merovingians.
German people in the dress at the end of the 10th century. Lombard king. Merovingian Franks. Carolingian Franks. Clothing in the Middle Ages.