Harbour Street, Kingston, Jamaica

Harbour Street, Kingston, Jamaica, James Hakewill,
View of Harbour Street, Kingston, Jamaica. c.1821


(looking eastward).

Harbour Street and King Street, crossing each other at right angles, are the principal streets in Kingston.

At the corner to the left is the store of Mr. Netlam Tory, and on the right that of Mr. John Mais, M.A. Further on, on the same side of the way, is Harty’s Tavern, the flag indicating a public entertainment. Beyond is the Custom-House, marked by its high roof. The great tree stands in front of Wood’s Tavern. The street is terminated, at the distance of about half a mile, by the residence of Edward Codd, Esq.

Source: A picturesque tour of the island of Jamaica by James Hakewill. London: Hurst and Robinson, 1825.

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