Costume of British Alderman 1843 Title of Assistant Secretary in the British Isles, member of a municipal assembly or council in many jurisdictions founded upon English law. From the Book: Manners, customs and costumes of all… Read More
The stable, 19th century painting.
The stable, 19th century. Original ‘L’etable from Le livre d’or de la peinture, by M. Jean Armengaud. Published in Paris, 1866-1867.
Costume Iman of Turkey, Ottoman Empire 1843.
Costume Iman of Turkey, Ottoman Empire 1843.
Sebastian Huber ensign of St. Fiden. Switzerland military uniform.
Sebastian Huber ensign of St. Fiden the high Principality of St. Gallen Contingent.
Madame Féron, called La Belle Ferronière. Mistress of François I.
A work of Leonardo da Vinci or attributed to his school, which represents “a Duchess of Mantua”.
English hair styles of the 1930s
Illustration of English hairstyles of the 1930s in Fashions in Hair. The First Five Thousand Years by Richard Corson. English hair styles of the 1930s: a. Major; b. Regent; c.… Read More
Godey’s Fashions for November, 1874.
Godey’s Fashions for November, 1874. Fashion Plate of Godey’s Ladies Book. Victorian Crinoline Costumes.
The Fairy Ariel by William Shakespeare
Ariel (air spirit), a fictional character in Shakespeare’s The Tempest.
The Camel and the Arab
The Camel and the Arab. Arabian Camel Driver. From The Archive of the Old Print Man. The Art Journal, 1857.
New York working girls in an Opium Den, 1883.
Scene In An Opium Den, In Pell Street, New York. Frequented By Working Girls. 1883.