Italian school. Defensive weapons. Wrought iron, decorated with engravings. Museum of Artillery, Paris.
Sword 16th Century. Renaissance period weapon.
Sword 16th Century. Renaissance era weapon. XVI. Century. French factory. Collection of Mr. Armaillé. Offensive weapons. Sword. Grandeur of the Execution. XVI Siècle. Fabrique Française. Collection de M. D’Armaillé. Armes Offensives. Épée.… Read More
On the racetrack. Race toilet by Günther.
On the racetrack. Race toilet by Günther. Drawing from Kaiser. Styl, table 3, April-May 1922. Gallery: STYL – 1920s German Art Déco Fashion Magazine by Ludwig Sternaux. Published in Berlin… Read More
Evening Dresses by Kuehnen.
Music from the other side. Evening Dresses by Kuehnen. Drawing by Leonard. Styl, table 4, April-May 1922. Gallery: STYL – 1920s German Art Déco Fashion Magazine by Ludwig Sternaux. Published… Read More
Helmet of Boabdil. The last Moorish king
Helmet of Muhammad XII. Abu Abdallah. The last Moorish king.
Chasuble decorated with embroidery, 16th century.
Chasuble decorated with embroidery, 16th century. XVI Century. French school. (Clothing) at Musée Condé, Chantilly. Decorated with embroidery. Renaissance period. XVI Siècle. École Française. ( Vètement ) Au Musée Condé, à… Read More
Textile design. Fabric in Louis-quatorze style. 17th century.
Louis-quatorze style. Textile of hangings from the alcove of princess of Rohan-Soubise.
Woman in folk dress from Moranger Fiord Bergen Norway
Woman in folk dress from Moranger Fiord Bergen Norway. Suède, Norwège et Danemark. Nº4 Paysanne de Moranger et Oster, près Bergen ( Norwège). Gallery: Folk dresses from Norway, Dutch, Germany… Read More
May Ball given at Versailles during the Carnival of the year 1763
May Ball given at Versailles during the Carnival of the year 1763 under the orders of M. the Duke of Duras, first gentleman of the King’s chamber, and ordered by M. de La Ferté
Crown of Tsar Michael Fjodorowitsch called cap d’Astran.
Crown of Tsar Michael Fjodorowitsch called cap d’Astran. Crown of Tsar Michael Feodorovitch, (Michel Féodorovitch Romanov, Михаил Фёдорович Романов, Grandfather of Peter the Great.), called cap d’Astran. He was the first… Read More