The Assyrians were warriors, as their costume shows, with its heavily ornate, barbaric splendour. They wore much more jewellery than the Persians.
View of the village of Nikali, near Larissa, the capital of Thessaly, Greece.
The nearer objects in the picture are those in the village of Nikali, where the principal house is the pyrgos, or tower, in which the agha is represented smoking.
Passementerie Work from the necropolis of Ancon in Peru.
Rich gauze-like passementerie work. The necropolis of Ancon in Peru; culture and industries of the empire of the Incas.
Burmese Laos. Laotians of the Burmese possessions.
The Northern Laos, inhabited by the black-bellied Laotians, so named because the men have the habit of tattooing their belts and sometimes their whole body.
The Scottish clan Buchanan, their Tartan, Badge and War Cry.
Towards the middle of the 13th century, Gilbert, seneschal to the Earl of Lennox, obtained from him a part of the lands of Buchanan in Stirlingshire, and took his name from them.
The colorful and picturesque dress of Arabia. Arabian dancing girl.
Of the two figures pictured here, the man might still, today, be seen walking the streets of Mecca. The woman, however, is a sort of dancing girl
A Camel-Sowar of the 10th Bengal Lancers. India c. 1880.
THE men of the loth Bengal Lancers are mostly Sikhs; they have blue and red lance-pennons, blue kurta and blue cone-shaped turban.
India. Summer Gardens of Kashmir. Gardens of the Great Mughals.
Summer Gardens of Kashmir. Mughal garden of Dara Shikoh at Bijbihara. Dara Shukoh’s Album. Verinag Bagh of Anantnag. Amarnath pilgrims. Achibal Bagh.
Orthodox monks in the Chapel of Elijah on Mount Sinai, Egypt.
A view of the interior of the Chapel of Elijah on Mount Sinai, Egypt. The Orthodox chapel encloses an outcrop of rock that tradition equates with the source for the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments.
A Chinese comedian who portrayed an enraged military officer
A sketch of a Chinese comedian performing his part before the the British Ambassador, December 19, 1793, at Canton.