The Japanese show great respect for the dead, and the ceremonial both at the house and grave is very impressive.
Lung. Chinese Dragons. Appearances and classification.
Chinese dragon and its cultural significance, in mythology and folklore.
Japan. Lotus blossoms in Kamakura.
The lotus is associated with the religion of Buddha.
Skull mask covered with blue and red mosaic. Mexico.
Aztec skull mask covered with blue and red mosaic from Mexico.
Bottle of old Arita porcelain, Hizen. Imari ware, Japan.
Triple gourd-shaped bottle of Arita porcelain, Japan. In the Royal Keramic Collection, Dresden.
Ornamentation in Chinese porcelain painting.
Ornamental treasures. Chinese. Painting, by H. Dolmetsch.
India. The young lady’s toilet. Anglo indians.
The woman sitting on the ground is the Matranee; a Khidmutgar boy is bringing in a bottle of iced water.
Brahmins of India. The two main classes.
The Brahmins are divided into two main classes
Hanaike. Japanese flower vases. Owari, Japan.
OWARI PORZELLAN. The figure is that of Onono Komachi, who lived in the ninth century.
Sacred Shinkyo Bridge at Nikko, Japan.
The Shinkyo Bridge (神橋, Shinkyō, “sacred bridge”) to Nikkō Futarasan Shrine.