Noble Allemand au XIV. Siècle. German nobleman in the XIV. Century.

Achille Devéria, Noble, Allemand, costume, 14th, century, fashion, history, middle, ages,
German Noble man in the fourteenth century. Noble Allemand au XIV. Siècle.

Noble Allemand au XIV. Siècle.

German Noble fashion in the fourteenth century.

The man is dressed in Burgundian fashion, the Gothic costume era. He is wearing a free foot under and over-dress. The skirt reaches to the knees and is slit at the hem. Over the long-sleeved shirt, the Pinto, he wears the Suckenie (a sleeveless overcoat). Tight-fitting, thigh high stockings. Than he wears a precious jewelry brooch, the Burgundian “Fürspange”. As shoes he wears piked shoes, boots, also called Poulines.

Source: Costumes historiques de ville ou de théatre et travestissements. Author: Achille Devéria and José Domínguez Bécquer. Publisher Paris: Goupil et Vibert. Publisher London: Charles Tilt 1831-1839. Printed by: Lemercier & Cie.

Illustration, Dragons, fighting,


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