In the figure we see the silhouette of that costume which forms our ideal of proportion and grace of line.
Tag: Ancient Greek headdresses
Ancient Greece headdresses
How Greek women dressed. The female dress of the classical period.
The Greek female dress of the classical period. The Greek dress is indeed one of the typical products of the Hellenic genius. It exemplifies better than almost anything else the capacity of this gifted people for producing the most beautiful effects by the simplest means.
Antiquity. Greek women’s costumes. Endymata and epiblemata.
Greece. Women’s costumes. The main piece of clothing was the chiton, in Roman times the tunica, a long, folded piece of textile that was wrapped around the body
Hairstyles and headgear in ancient Greece. Historical Greek fashion.
GREECE. ANTIQUE HAIR AND HEADGEAR. The women of Greek antiquity knew how to achieve a great variety in the arrangement of their hair. Veils of light or precious fabric, ribbons of various colours, flowers and fragrant ointments were often used in artistic hairstyles.
The Women’s toilet of ancient Greece. Cosmetics, beauty products.
The Women’s toilet. Ancient Greek cosmetics, beauty products, hair care, mirrors and jewelry boxes. The fragrances, the dyeing of hair.
Greek Military of Antiquity. Different types of Chariots and Armor.
War, race and triumphal chariots. Greek soldier. Leader in full armor. Different types of the Greek helmet and weapons.
Ancient Greece Coiffures. Hairstyles & Hair Fashions of Greek antiquity.
Ancient Greece. Hairstyles and Hair Fashions. Hats and Head-dresses.
Antique Greek theatrical masks. Art Gréco. Masques Tragiques.
Antique Greek theatrical masks. Antiqués. Art Gréco. Masques Tragiques, Sculptés.
Female bust of a Bacchante. Maenad of Dionysiac cycle.
This bust has been called that of a Maenad or Bacchante, an attribution which the comparison of other Bacchic types would seem fully to justify.
Women with clasp-fastened chiton.
Greece classical period. Greek female dress of antiquity.