Royal Lancasters. Lieutenant, Captain, Adjutant. England Boer war. 1880–1881 and 1899–1902 by the British Empire.
Tag: British Military Costume
The Scots Guards. England Boer war uniforms.
The Scots Guards. England Boer war uniforms. Color-Sergeant and Privat, The Scots Guards England Boer war. 1880–1881 and 1899–1902 by the British Empire.
Landing of the English troops in the Bay of Maceira.
THE fleet with the troops came to an anchor in the open sea, off this Creek, on the 25th of August, 1808.
Nighttime Conference of Hong Kong 1941
Nighttime Conference of Hong Kong surrender of Governor Young and General Sakai 1941. Represented the signing of the surrender of Hong Kong by Sir Mark Young in 1942 in a… Read More