India. The morning breakfast in the household of English colonial rulers.
Tag: Colonialism
Colonialism is the state-sponsored seizure of foreign territories and the subjugation, expulsion or assassination of the resident population by a colonial rule. The domination colony was mostly based on a military conquest after prior contact and pre-orientation.
Of this type, For example, India as a British colony, Togo as German, Taiwan as Japanese, and the Philippines as the colony of the USA.
India. The young lady’s toilet. Anglo indians.
The woman sitting on the ground is the Matranee; a Khidmutgar boy is bringing in a bottle of iced water.
India. The young civilian’s toilet. 19th c.
The morning routine in an English household in India during the heyday of English colonialism.
Jamaica. Bridge, over the White River. St. Mary’s.
An Old Spanish Bridge connecting St. Ann and St. Mary parishes over the White River, Jamaica.
View From Spring Bank, Near Port Antonio, Jamaica.
Spring Bank is situated about three miles south-westward of Port Antonio at Jamaica.
New York in 1801
Views of early New York by Colonial order of the acorn.
Australian Aborigines: the languages and customs of several tribes.
Australian Aborigines: the languages and customs of several tribes of Aborigines in the western district of Victoria, Australia.
Spring Garden Estate, St George, Jamaica.
James Hakewill’s Picturesque tour of the island of Jamaica (1825).
Waterfall on the Windward Road, near Kingston.
Cane River Cascade on the Windward Road, St. Andrew Parish, Jamaica
Harbour Street, Kingston, Jamaica
Harbour Street and King Street, crossing each other at right angles, are the principal streets in Kingston.