A Flower Merchant in Japan. Marchand de Fleurs au Japon 1875. Autour du Monde. Souvenirs de Voyages
Tag: Crafts
An artfully tattooed Japanese man.
Tattooing of this complex and highly coloured type was at one time not uncommon in Japan.
A Finnish woman in Festive Dress, from behind.
The Costume of the Russian empire by Edward Harding.
Merchant of vegetables. Un Marchand de Légumes au Japon.
Japan merchant of vegetables. Un Marchand de Légumes au Japon. Autour du Monde. Souvenirs de Voyages 1895.
Travel in Kago Chair. Voyage dans la chaise Kago.
Travel in Kago Chair. Voyage dans la chaise Kago. Auteur du Monde. Souvenirs de Voyages,
Robert Anning Bell. Life and Legacy
Robert Anning Bell was a significant figure in the British art world, particularly known for his work in book illustrations and stained glass.
Plant drawings. Indian Pattern Book.
Plant drawings from an Indian Cotton Printer`s Pattern Book, 1910.
Two-tone fabric design. Louis-quatorze. France 17th century.
Two-tone fabric of the baroque period. France 17th century. French factory. Collection of Mr. Mallet Boullay.
Textile design. Fabric in Louis-quatorze style. 17th century.
Louis-quatorze style. Textile of hangings from the alcove of princess of Rohan-Soubise.
Japan. Harness (Samurai) 1800.
Samurai, warrior armor and weapons, Japan 1800.