Famille de laboureurs – Famille noble (Ve siècle). Gallic inhabitants. Merovingian
Tag: Historical Gaul costumes
Merovingian Warrior, Bishop, King, Queen.
Merovingian. Guerrier, Evêque, Roi et Reine. 6ème siècle.
Merovingian. A lazy king’s chariot with guardians.
Char d’un roi fainéant – Au fond, char de paysan. Merovingian. A lazy king’s chariot with guardians – In the background, a peasant’s chariot.
Clovis is proclaimed by the Salian Franks as king.
Clovis is proclaimed by the Salian Franks as king.
Lutetia. Natives of ancient Paris.
first, Parisians, inhabitants, Lutetia, Lutèce.
Noble Gauloise habit. Vedette Gauloise. First Century A.D.
Vedette Gauloise. Paris à travers les siècles. Histoire nationale de Paris et des Parisiens by Nicolas Jules Henri Gourdon de Genouillac.
France. Vestments of a Gaelic family around 1 AD.
Vestments of a Gaelic family around 1 AD. Famille Gauloise, Temps Primitifs.
Parisian boatman dress of the early ages.
Batelier Parisien des premiers âgés. Parisian boatman dress of the early ages.
Ancient Paris as a Celtic, Gaelic settlement.
Ancient Paris as a Celtic, Gaelic settlement. The history of Paris goes back over 2000 years.
Merovingian costume of a 5th century Frankish warrior.
Costume d’un guerrier franc du 5ème siècle.