Sheets for costume design: historical and folk costumes. Published by Franz Lipperheid
Tag: Historical Italy Costume
A female of Vercelli with peculiar head-dress. Italy Piedmont 1821.
A female of Vercelli, Piedmontese. This one of the most peculiar head-dresses belonging to the lower orders in Italy.
Donna di Torino. Woman of Turin. Italian popular costume of 1821.
AT Turin the dress of the females is very remarkable. The elaborate and various forms of their caps are singular and picturesque.
Condottieri. Italian Captain, 1490. Renaissance.
Italian Captain 1490. Renaissance Soldier in Armor.
Venetian women’s and men’s lives with the sermons’ procession.
Venetian women’s and men’s lives with the sermons’ procession. Lordship and other details, i.e. triumphs feasts and public ceremonies of the noble city of Venetia.