Tag: Medieval costume

Medieval costume history. The period between the end of antiquity and the beginning of modern times about the 6th to the 15th century. It includes as superordinate, the Byzantine, Merovingian, Carolingian and Burgundian costume eras. Therein are the Gallic, Celtic, English-Saxon, Normans, Gothic, Romanesque included.

Reign of Philip III and Louis VIII. The influence of the Crusaders.

Jerusalem, Crusade, Crusader, middle ages

Severity of feminine costume – Long gowns and gimps – Marguerite of Provence – “Fermaux” – Reappearance of splendor in dress – Eastern customs – The priests of fashion – Haberdashery and peacock-feathers – Female embroiderers – Taste for embroidery – Continual temptations – Earliest sumptuary laws – Furs – St. Louis’s opinion on dress – Prohibitions by Philippe le Bel; speech made by his wife – Crépine.