Armament of the Middle Ages in France. Ring armour. Chain mail. War costumes from the 9th to 13th century.
Tag: Medieval costume
Medieval costume history. The period between the end of antiquity and the beginning of modern times about the 6th to the 15th century. It includes as superordinate, the Byzantine, Merovingian, Carolingian and Burgundian costume eras. Therein are the Gallic, Celtic, English-Saxon, Normans, Gothic, Romanesque included.
Courtly gallantry. Fashion of the Middle Ages in the 12th and 13th century.
Fashion of the Middle Ages in the 12th and 13th century. Courtly gallantry. Pointed shoes. Knights and armament. Helmets, crest.
The medieval architecture of the Hôtel Chambellan at Dijon.
The Hôtel Chambellan at Dijon. It has hitherto been known by various names, — Hôtel Chambellan, Hôtel des Ambassadeurs, and Hôtel d’Angleterre.
Italian princes, herald and squires in the fashion of the 15th century.
Italian princes in the fashion of the 15th century. Italian noblemen, heralds and squires in the fashion of Mi-Parti. Garments with coloured lobes, saddles and bells. Crakow shoes also known as poulaines or pikes.
Portrait of Margaret of York. The lady with the hennin.
French school, second half of the 15th century.
Portrait of Margaret of York (1446 – 1503), wife of Charles the Bold. The lady with the hennin.
Byzantine. The Emperor. Greek, Latin clergy. Ascetics and monks.
Byzantine. Greek, Latin clergy. Ascetics and monks. The blessing of the Greeks and the Latins. The Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire and the officers of his retinue. The Roman Consul. The patrician. Secular and ecclesiastical instruments.
Medieval civil and war costumes of Italy, France and England. The Litter.
The close costume of the 14th century. Knights and squires habit of dressing. The footwear. The main piece of clothing for women at that time was the cotte hardie, a close-fitting, short-sleeved skirt, which made the body shapes stand out plastically.
Civil and military fashion & costume in Italy. 14th to 16th c.
Venetian, Florentine and Milanese fashion. In the 15th century luxury reached its highest level especially among the Venetian nobility.
Costumes of Venice. The Venetian gondoliers. Dwarves and jesters.
Costumes of Venice. The Venetian gondoliers. Nicolotti and Castellani. Dwarves and jesters, pages and messengers of love. Italian Medieval and Renaissance fashion history.
Civil dress of the late 15th century. France middle ages.
Civil dress in Europe at the end of the late 15th century. Female and male hairstyles and headgear.