French Huguenot leader, Catholic prelate of the Renaissance
Tag: Monastic clothing
Hilendar on Mount Athos, the “Holy Mountain.”
The mountain of Athos is well known throughout the entire Orthodox world as the centre of a great monastic republic.
Iona, the Sacred Isle. The Isle of the Druids.
The ancient Gaelic name of Iona was unis nan Druineach, the Isle of the Druids. The Westminster Abbey of Scotland.
Glastonbury Abbey in the county of Somerset, England.
The memories of the British Inyswytryn, the Saxon Glaestingburge, the modern Glastonbury, or as it was sometimes called the isle of Avalon
The Laura of Mar Saba near the Dead Sea.
Nine and a half miles, on horseback, from Jerusalem in the unique grandeur of its situation (the Wilderness of Engedi, near the Dead Sea), the Laura of Mar Saba…
Monasteries and Cloisters as Centres of learning and Culture.
The history of monasticism reveals the fact that In every field of thought and activity this institution wrought good and evil.
The daily life of the monks. The Benedictine system.
In the Benedictine system early Western monasticism is to be seen at its best. Its rule was generally adopted by the monasteries of Western Europe.
Saint John and the hymn writers of Mar Saba.
Early monastic life. Mar Saba, center of earlier Greek Hymns. John of Damascus, Cosmas of Maiuma, Stephen the Sabaean
Principal court of the convent of St. Catherine, Mount Sinai.
The costume of the Monks of St. Catherine. The Superior is distinguished by a black cloak, the Brotherhood wear robes of the striped brown cloth.
Women Mystics of the Dervish Orders. Female muslim Sufi saints.
Women Mystics by Lucy Mary Jane Garnett. Sisterhood of Mystics. Female muslim Sufi saints. The holy women of the Dervish Orders.