Man costume by Humann House, Paris. La Mode 1837. Chapeaux en paille d’Italie avec plumes pleureurs de chez Lemonnier. Châle en tulle filet de chez Mme Lasalle no 54 Passage… Read More
Tag: Romanticism fashion
Romanticism costumes and fashion. Romantic era from 1800 to 1850.
Amazon riding costume. Romantic era 1837.
Amazon riding costume. Romantic era 1837. Cheveaux d’chez Crémieux. Brides & mons de chez Duchemnin Mme. Vivienne. Chapeaux de chez Bodson Dufour. Amazone & Costume de chez Maison Humann, à… Read More
Men’s leisure suit. Romantic fashion era 1837.
Men’s leisure suit. Romantic fashion era 1837.
Chiffon Frock Coat. Romantic fashion era 1836.
Chiffon Frock Coat. Romantic fashion era 1836. Redingote de Mousseline de l’Inde ornée de noeuds de velours. Écharpe d’ Organdy brodée au orochet. Chapeau de paille de riz orné de… Read More
Hunting costumes of the Fashion House Humann
Hunting costumes of the Fashion House Humann, Paris 1836. Costumes des Maison Humann, à Paris, 83, rue Neuve-des-Petits- Champs. Fusils et Cartouchière Robert. La Mode 1836. Journal et gravures des mode.… Read More
Fitted dress with silk pants. Regency era.
Fitted dress with silk pants. Costume parisien 1816. Habit de Drap. Culotte de Soie. Bas à Mailles coulées. Journal des dames et des modes. Costumes parisien 1816. France Restoration era. England Georgian… Read More
Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne.
Novel published from 1759 to 1767, by Laurence Sterne.
Augustina, the Maid of Saragossa.
English Romanticism. Black romance. Raimunda Maria Agustina Saragossa i Domènech was a Spanish independence fighter
Don Juan. Lord Byron’s Haidée. English romanticism
The greatest heiress of the Eastern isles;
So very beautiful was she,
Her dowry was as nothing to her smiles:
Still in her teens, and like a lovely tree
So grew to womanhood.
English Romanticism, the black romance.
Romantic era knitted dresses. Hairstyles & Flowers, 1846.
Knitted dresses. Hairstyles & Flowers. 1846. Romantic era